Saturday, September 22, 2012

Acts 2:42

Our young adult group went out camping this past Friday night to Saturday afternoon. We had some sweet time of fellowship not to mention the great food (Dutch oven meat and potatoes for dinner and eggs hash browns and bacon and cheese for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch). We were blessed by the thing of the Word through four of the guys on the main topics of the Acts 2:42 church: the Bible, fellowship, communion, and prayer. We were able to actively participate and apply these things during our camp trip. It was a blessing to be there. We also had great opportunities to relax from school and work etc. and have fun and fellowship. Thank you, Lord, for seasons of rest.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s. Perfect napping temperature in the shade at high noon. Volleyball (not to mention the fishing, horse back riding, hiking, and night game). Plus fellowship with people I love. CCSG had the annual family camp this Labor Day weekend in Brianhead. It was a refreshing break after my first two weeks of nursing school. God is the provider. He is holy and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Psalm 24:3-4 by the blood of the Lamb we are made pure. Praise the Lord. He has made a beautiful place for mankind to live in.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I recently enrolled at a mixed martial arts studio here in St. George called Team I.M.A. I was a black belt in Karate and always loved sparring. This opportunity is certainly a blessing from the Lord especially with the fantastic deal for enrollment that my brother, sister in law, and I am getting .
Ever since fall 2008 after experiencing a free trial of Brazilian jiu jitsu I had wanted to learn more mma and Krav maga techniques. The Lord is so awesome in providing these desires of the heart. Psalm 37:5 "Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart." The Lord is gracious and compassionate slow to anger and rich in love. Remembering that it is not based on my righteousness rather on His goodness that He blesses His kids.
Take care,


Monday, August 20, 2012

First Day of Nursing School

I started my first day of nursing school. I pray the Lord gives me the strength, motivation, endurance, and joy to study well in order to be a good nurse. It will be a fast three semesters that is for sure. Praise the Lord for getting me this far. May He be glorified and may He shine through me to others in Jesus' name amen. Please pray for me if you remember to. Thank you for your prayers they are very much appreciated. Philippians 2:1-13

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I am officially an adult. My birthday was this past Sunday. I celebrated with Ivan and Shannon: dinner at P F Changs and the Dark Knight Rises. Stayed the night at Circus circus where the next morning we played in the Adventure dome and I got to ride for free d^_^ b. God has been faithful to protect, lead, guide, and direct me all these years.
Psalm 1. God has blessed me abundantly.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Karen Youth Camp 2012

The Karen are a displaced people group from Burma (Myanmar) who suffer from Burmese military oppression . This supposed civil war has gone on for over 60 years. For more info visit

Calvary Chapel St. George has been supporting missionaries who minister to these people for many years now.
It was only this past weekend where all the prayers of connecting with the Karen in the US had been answered.

A group of us 35 youth and youth leaders from CCSG had the opportunity to do worship, fellowship, and hang out with Karen youth in Salt Lake City.

Soon to be Nurse

I got accepted into the nursing program at Dixie State College here in Saint George.
I'm so blessed. Normally only 32 out of 200-300 applicants are chosen by way of point system. I'm very excited. It will be a year and a half to be able to take the NCLEX and attain my RN. This is the plan thus far.

It was an answer to prayer because whether or not I got into the program was what helped me decide to stay or leave St. George. God is faithful. Proverbs 16:1,9. Good stuff.
