Thursday, October 8, 2009

this fall's semester girls

These are all the girl students who are coming here this semester at CCBC Okinawa (excluding Tamiko who took the pic, she's an intern too btw)

(from top to bottom, left to right)
Anna Hebel: from Germany and it's her first semester and is my bunkmate at the d house. she has an awesome sense of humor "God bless Germans!" i just can't not smile when she starts to tell a story or joke because she just make it so animated and interactive.
Yours Truly: i've been blessed my socks off this whole year!
Christina Jones: Washington local (the state not the capital) it's her fourth and final semester and will be graduating and then will go back when she is finished here to the Murrieta campus to walk with the rest of her grad friends when she gets tired she gets crazy and she was actually aroomate with Shannon Powers one of my friends in St. George Utah
Emi-chan: is from mainland Japan it is her first semester and she has come to learn about the Bible and to become more proficient in her English she's so sweet and cute and she's been teaching a few of us cool kids kanji ^_^
Me-chan (Megan): it's her third semester and like me she went to murrieta her first came here her second semester went to mainland during the summer and came back here (after many other series of events) for her third semester with her brother. so we got two crazy Silvas hanging around town. But it has been a blessing to be apart of her life and just see just within this year how the Lord has been growing her more lovelier and lovelier.
Soft hands (aka Manda): is enjoying her fourth semester along with Christina she was here last semester as well and went to Korea for the summer to help at Mike Laudermilks church and for a portion served alongside my sister before she came back here to Okinawa she's amazingly random and one of the wisest girls in the Lord that i've ever met. it's always a pleasure to harmonize with this girl too.
Tamiko (photographer): has been an intern at the college since i first started at Okinawa. she graduated from the CCBC in Germany. she is a funy girl and it won't take you long to figure out that she loves chocolate and ice cream and that she especially loves chocolate ice cream. she's my okinawan sister.

well those are the cool catz at Okinawa. continue to pray, if it ever crosses your mind, that the Lord work in our hearts and uses us mightily in what ever ministry we do at this time and what each of us are going to do after this semester is over.

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